Monday, November 10, 2008

One Big US Family

I'm really not much of a political animal. But, when the elections come along, I still manage to get involved in the typical lunch-time discussions, even though I really have no idea what I'm talking about.

So, when we started talking platforms, issues, complaints, and all the other typical stuff, I suddenly got this crazy vision about the nature of our party system. Or, perhaps, it simply reflects my views on our national politics.

It's like a family. The two primary parties are the parents, and all us constituents are, well... the kids.

One one hand, you have the Democratic Party who takes on the nurturer role.

"Ok, Kids. We want you all to do the best you can and help each other out. We want you to try as hard as you can, but if you can't handle it, don't worry. We'll be there to take care of you. Now, make sure you watch over your brothers and sisters. We need to work together on this. So, if you need to give up your dates on Fridays to take your younger sibling to piano lessons, that's just what you're going to do. "

On the other hand, the Republicans are more of the disciplinarian and character builder.

"Ok, Kids. You need to learn to do for yourself. Nothing's free in this world. If you really want something, you'll find a way to earn it. There are plenty of things you can do around here for an allowance, and there's always a part-time job, if you want it. We can't be constantly moddle-coddling you. Need help with something? So does everyone else. Make a deal. Compromise with each other. Don't be running to us with little stupid stuff. We're not interested."

None of this applies to the extreme right or left, but to what I consider to be the original, core beliefs of each party.

I know it's over simplified. And I know that I really don't know much about it. It was just a train of thought that came to me, and I found it to be pretty amusing. But, to each their own, I suppose.


Anonymous said...

Wow- I've never considered it like that before. That's an awesome way to look at it!

Unknown said...

Wow! I wish i knew who wrote this... I think you may be the first person who’s read this that i don’t know.

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